Its easy to make GUIDs in PHP. Below is clean code using windows COM to get GUIDs. When the PHP creates GUIDs or UUIDs they are V4 guids.
$guid = com_create_guid(); echo $guid;
If you are not a on windows based platform you can roll this code for making GUIDs in PHP
function getGUID(){ if (function_exists('com_create_guid')){ return com_create_guid(); }else{ mt_srand((double)microtime()*10000);//optional for php 4.2.0 and up. $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))); $hyphen = chr(45);// "-" $uuid = chr(123)// "{" .substr($charid, 0, 8).$hyphen .substr($charid, 8, 4).$hyphen .substr($charid,12, 4).$hyphen .substr($charid,16, 4).$hyphen .substr($charid,20,12) .chr(125);// "}" return $uuid; } }
To use the above functon:
$GUID = getGUID(); echo $GUID;
code thanks to: rodsdot These guys are so GUID they UUed my ID.